Youtube talks by Dr Paul A. Fox
My book Great Cloister, a lost Canterbury tale is organised by family
Here is an opportunity to understand how the cloister shields are linked together within each given bay.
Please click on the bay to go directly to the online talk.
14 of the projected 26 parts are currently available.
Part 1. Bays 1 to 9, 35 and 36: The South Walk and part of the East Walk
Part 2. Bay 10: The first fully heraldic bay
Part 3. Bay 11: The Courtenay Bay
Part 4. Bay 12: The Langham Bay
Part 5. Bay 13: King Aethelbert’s Bay
Part 6. Bay 14: The Bay of Nephews
Part 7. Bay 15: The York Bay
Parts 8-17 Not yet completed
Part 18. Bay 26: The new royal bay
Part 19. Bay 27: The Poynings family bay
Part 20. Bay 28: the Canterbury and Kent bay
Part 21. Bay 29: the Leventhorpe family bay
Part 22. Bay 30: the Bay of Reconciliation
Part 23. Bay 31: the Beaumont Bay
Part 24. Bay 32: The Royal Bay
Part 25. Bay 33: Archbishop Arundel’s family Bay
Part 26. Not yet completed