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Bay 31

Heraldic shields Bay 31 Great cloister Canterbury Cathedral

For my podcast on this, the Beaumont Family Bay, please click on this link.


31/1    Arundel, Archbishop

31/2    England-Royal arms

31/3    Christchurch Priory

31/4    Grammary of Yorks

31/5    Beaumont of Lincs impaling Willoughby

31/6    Fulthorpe of Durham impaling Grammary

31/8    Ferrers of Leics impaling Montagu

31/9    Everingham of Notts

31/10  Kiddall of Lincs impaling Fulthorpe quart Grammary

31/12  Beaumont of Lincs

31/13  Beaumont of Lincs

31/14  Beaumont of Lincs quartering Buchan

31/15  Fulthorpe of Durham differenced with label

31/16  Fulthorpe of Durham differenced with label  and annelet

31/17  Stanley  of Chesh quartering Lathom

31/18  Willoughby of Lincs

31/19  Beaumont  of Lincs impaling Vere

31/20  Beaumont of Lincs

31/21  Beaumont badge

31/22  Lancaster, duchy of

31/23  Beaumont of Lincs impaling Everingham

31/24  Kiddall of Lincs  impaling Beaumont

31/25  Norway, ancient

31/26  Devereux of Herefs  differenced with mullet

31/27  Ferrers of Leics impaling Clifford

31/28  Beaumont of Lincs impaling Plantagenet ( Lancaster)

31/29  Ferrers of Leics

31/30  Ferrers of Leics  impaling Beaumont

31/31  Popham of Hants quartering Zouche ancient

31/33  Devereuxof Herefs  impaling Vere

31/34  Vere of Essex

31/35  Beaumont  of Lincs differenced with label

31/37  Kiddall of Lincs

31/38  Buchan of Nland

31/39  Beaumont of Lincs  impaling Buchan

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